Friday, July 23, 2010

Chock Shock

In this EJ12 book Emma has to stop Shadows evil plans got to do with cupcakes called s6 cakes. It starts out with Emma at Issi's house. They are having a sleep over. But Emma has to leave because she got a mission alert from shine. Her mission is to go as an undercover chock chef finalist to find out what Madame Ombrere the famous chocolate chef has to do with Shadow. Emma gets help from agent CC12. On the mission EJ12 saves 6 rabbits. And at Emma's school the bake sale raises lots of money.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mind Over Matter

Jonothan Hettie has just moved to a new town to be closer to his dad. You see, his dad was recently in a car crash on the way to dinner with his wife. Jono's mother still cries herself to sleep every night. One stormy evening, a creature called Ariel- Su crashes on earth, followed by another creature from the same planet called Ducali-Su crashes in a different place, but still on earth. Jono knows that there's something in the house but he does not know what it is. A few days later he sees it. It's Ariel- Su. What are you? asks Jono. One day Jono's sister Miranda won't wake up. Jono figures out that the reason is because Ducali-Su is trying to take over her mind. The woodwork teacher is a little creepy. Jono and his friends find out that he stole Eddy's bike. A couple of weeks later, Ariel-Su has to be sacrificed to save earth. It's a sad moment. Particles of Ducali and Ariel come together and form Glia. Glia becomes Jono's new friend. Glia leads Jono and Bridget to a cliff to find her missing part. But when an adventure turns into a nightmare Jono's left very injured. His dad is no longer brain damaged thanks to Glia. Soon Glia has to go to her own planet. Jono's upset but he knows it's for the good of the planet.